Top 15 Summer Bucket List Items

by Aimee Yllanes

1. Have a backyard campout. Pitch a tent or sleep under the stars. If you have a firepit, toast some s’mores for dessert!
2. Spend the day outdoors, hiking a local trail, playing in the river, or just going for a (socially distant!) walk.
3. Read a classic book, just for fun. Maybe it’s classic literature or maybe a classic from your childhood.
4. Do a random act of kindness for a neighbor. Offer to go to the grocery store for an elderly neighbor. Offer to do yardwork. Or, maybe drop off flowers, a drawing or a nice note to make someone smile.
5. Get in the kitchen! Whether you think you are a “good” cook or not, try cooking dinner for your family or baking dessert.
6. Stargaze. Or, take a walk outside at the next full moon
7. See the sunrise.
8. Go to a museum. Art, history, or science – learn something new. There are many virtual museum experiences right now if you can’t get to one in person.
9. Try your green thumb. Try growing a garden. You can even do it in a pot if you don’t have space outside.
10. Call a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to in a long time just to catch up.
11. Try learning a new language. Duolingo and Babbel are two free apps you can check out.
12. Watch a movie marathon. Pick movies from different decades – 70s, 80s, 90s, etc.
13. Try a new hobby – something you’ve been interested in for a while. It could be anything – sign language, guitar, silversmithing, watercolor, rock climbing, yoga.
14. Unplug for a full day – no Internet or TV.
15. Have a game night with your family.

These are just some ideas for summer fun. Use these or make up your own. We’d love to hear what you’re up to.

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