Stan Wattles ’80


Appointed 2018

Affiliation: Alumni
Occupation: Semi-Retired
Background: Previous profession: Owned a Historic Race Car Restoration Shop, prior to that I was an owner and driver of an auto racing team, Metro Racing Systems, Inc., in the Indy Racing League and in other Pro Racing Series. Currently an instructor in the martial arts at Ahn’s Martial Art’s. I specifically teach Hap Ki Do, Tae Kwon Do, Kum Ye Do (Korean Sword Art) and UMBS (Universal Method of Body System).
Education: Masters Level in Hap Ki Do, Tae Kwon Do and Kum Ye Do, Certified Mechanical Draftsman

What inspired you to join the CRMS Board of Trustees? CRMS has always been a part of me. As asked by one of the questionnaires sent out, “How would I describe CRMS in one word?” Indelible is what I chose. Quite honestly, when I was a student there I did not contribute as much as I could have or should have. In growing up, experiencing the world, and seeing what impact the school really had on me definitely gave me the desire to give back in whatever way I could. Jeff Leahy approached me a few years ago about the possibility and I was quite honored he had asked, but I was highly involved in other groups. I told him to check back with me and the timing was right.

What do you value most about CRMS? Its core values being sustained as presented by John and Anne Holden. An education on a high, informed, and useful level taught by truly passionate teachers, a strong sense of community and giving back, awareness and protection of the environment, being responsible for your living space, and being authentic are just some of the important foundation pieces that I deem as critical in today’s world that CRMS delivers to its students.

What are you most excited about while serving as a Trustee? I am most excited about being able to assist CRMS to grow in the direction that will work with our changing world while holding true to the core values we all love and respect. Change is inevitable, but how it is executed while keeping balance is a challenge. It will take a lot of courage, focus, and flexibility while keeping what we are at heart at the forefront. Not easy, quite an undertaking, but I believe we are up to it with the wonderful Board we have. I am honored to be a part of that.