Appointed 1999
What do you do on campus?
I teach history, rock climbing, alpine skiing, work in the dorm, lead fall trip, spring trip, and interim, and am an advisor.
What is the most fulfilling aspect of teaching humanities to modern teenagers?
Adolescence is a challenging time. We also live in a difficult epoch in history when people are growing steadily more disconnected from each other and when convenience has taken the place of profundity. Humanities provides a chance for students to ponder the most important aspects of what it means to be alive. Looking at ideas, innovations, ethics, and individual lives is a great way to help students understand themselves and their world. Only by reflecting and being fully informed can students learn to be their best selves.
What is your favorite thing about being a dorm parent?
The best part of being a dorm parent is the chance to provide crucial support and perspective to students who are coping with independence.
What is your favorite thing about coaching the climbing team?
Climbing is the best tool I know for teaching crucial life lessons. It provides a visceral method for showing the importance of perseverance, trust, communication, and support. Being skilled at climbing means being really comfortable with continually failing. The ability to cope with adversity is vital for navigating life.