Boarding Schools Build the Resilience that Your Child Needs

by Aimee Yllanes

The real world can be a scary concept—and place—especially when we consider our precious children entering it someday. You’ve considered their academic future, but what other steps can you take to prepare your son or daughter for how to handle real life? The good news? Boarding school can help you cultivate your child’s skills both in and out of the classroom.

It’s hard to put a finger on what, exactly, it takes for a person to thrive in their setting. However, we can all agree that resilience is one of the most important traits someone can have in their arsenal. The capacity to bounce back from even the most minor setbacks can make the difference between trying that one extra time, and sometimes all it takes is that one extra time.

How does a boarding school experience help create the courage and confidence needed to be willing to try new things? Here are the three ways that boarding schools are uniquely designed to instill these lifelong skills.

Independence and Autonomy Meet Cohabitation

Boarding students see more of their peers than those in a traditional school setting. It’s imperative that they learn how to maintain their own schedule while living, learning, and residing among friends. Learning to adjust their behavior and even make small shifts can set them up to thrive in an eclectic work environment.

Allowing them to be the best they can be.

Critical thinking and decision-making are something adults are bombarded with every hour of every day. From what we choose to fuel our bodies with to how we prioritize our housekeeping chores, it’s practice that makes as close to perfection as possible. Your student will practice these life skills each day among students with whom they’re forging life-long friendships.

Responsibility and Self-Discipline with Support

The boarding school experience is, in a word, immersive. From academics and extracurriculars to the sense of social community, your child will have real-life responsibilities with real-life consequences. It’s not a coincidence that many boarding school alumni go on to positions of leadership and experience professional success.

“CRMS changed my life. It became my home, my family, and my foundation for adulthood. It opened my horizons to new experiences, it built my confidence both physically and academically by pushing my boundaries, and it taught me about living as a responsible human being within a community and beyond its perimeter.”
– Mags Miller ’90, Documentary Filmmaker

Because students are engaged with their community by design; they’re predisposed to paying attention to the way these communities succeed. They experience, first hand, how decisions can impact those around them and are encouraged to participate in finding solutions.

Risks, Rewards, and Finding the Right Balance

Studies are emerging almost daily detailing how critical it is for children to practice risk-taking and pushing themselves. The best way to build resilience isn’t always a comfortable one. Boarding school presents opportunities for students to test their boundaries in a supportive environment.

Why #boardingschool? Because it could be just what your child needs to thrive.

Read Trisha’s story: …

Living away from home is already a risk. Making the choice to take that leap shows that you and your students value experience. Boarding school is full of chances to try new things and, in fact, oftentimes it’s required. But there’s always the safety net of passionate experts to guide them through these experiences. Developing in this appropriate space arms your student with a resilience he or she will need to take risks at the right moments in adulthood.

Learn more about Why CRMS might be the right place for you. 

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